The most common question many investors have is whether it is expensive to do business in Thailand, in Phuket more specifically. The answer to this question varies. It will depend on a lot of factors like type of business, size of rental office, labor costs,...
Thailand’s tourist arrivals in 2012, hit a record-breaking 21 million. For the year 2013, Thailand’s Tourism Authority sets the target at 24.5 million, and this is sure to create an increased demand for residential condominium units. The condominium market in Thailand particularly in Phuket have...
The largest paradise island of Thailand is known to many international travelers as Phuket. It lies on the western edge of southern Thailand with all the beautiful offerings of the Andaman Sea – emerald green crystal waters and stretches of beautiful beaches.
A report from the New York Times estimated that about 100,000 people retired to Asia from other countries in 2010. What draws westerners to Southeast Asian countries for their retirement choices vary from low cost of living to lush, tropical rain-forests and bustling mega cities.
Thailand offers all the elements a foreign investor would look for – inexpensive and hardworking workforce, an emerging bullish economy, a burgeoning domestic market and a supportive government in terms of economic liberalization and growth. The driving force behind Thailand’s unprecedented economic growth is foreign...