
Hawryluk Legal
When you’re going to be doing business in Thailand, you can expect to travel to the country frequently as you settle your affairs. This is especially true when the business is still in the start-up phase. Imagine the hassle and the astronomical expenses when you have to apply for the necessary documents every time!
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Intellectual property laws are very important for businessmen. If you are looking to start an enterprise in the Kingdom of Thailand, then it pays to read about Thailand’s intellectual property rules and regulations.
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We have discussed a bird’s eye view of what intellectual property law is and what role it plays in Thailand’s legal and business landscapes. This time, let us look at what items are covered by intellectual property law, and how you can, as a businessman, avail of protection for your intellectual properties.
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Intellectual property is one of the most important, and also the most interesting, aspect of any country’s law. Thailand is no different from any other country. In fact, its trade agreements with various industrial nations including the United States, Japan, and Australia, make intellectual property take on a whole new different role to protect foreigner...
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The practice of using nominee shareholders in incorporating companies in Thailand has been brought to light after the head of the military junta proposed in December to change the FBA to weed out companies that are incorporated locally but are actually controlled by their foreign investors. What is a nominee shareholder? Is the practice legal...
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It is stated under Thai law that foreigners cannot legally acquire land in the country, but there are actually exemptions to this law. There are three special ways in which a foreign national could be allowed to legally acquire real estate, outside of condominiums, in the Kingdom of Thailand.
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Thailand undoubtedly plays host to innumerable foreign nationals either working for some multinational companies operating in the country or as retirees.
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In early November last year, the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), tasked with the drafting of a new constitution for Thailand held its first meeting right after the Chairman of the National Reform Council (NRC) signed the appointment letters of all the 36 chosen CDC members.
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Four important documents
Chances are, the New Year presents new and exciting opportunities to many individuals. For those who felt they missed out on their career in the year that passed, they look forward to the beginning of the year to bring some significant and positive changes in their professional lives.
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Business in Thailand
As the year 2015 begins, investors scout for countries where they can have opportunities to set up a business and succeed. The year 2015 also marks the implementation of AEC 2015 (ASEAN Economic Community) which will also signal the beginning of regional integration for the ten members of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) –...
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