
Importance of Infrastructure
There’s no study of economics in which infrastructure is not mentioned. In fact, the very concept of infrastructure is, you could say, at the center of economic development. If you look closely, countries who have developed and have the most stable economies have invested heavily in infrastructure.
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stock market and interest rates
As an individual, your knowledge of the interest rate will probably limited to the rate that affects your debts and loans. The higher the interest rate, the higher the amortization you’ll have to pay every month.
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infrastructure project in Thailand
If you’re looking to invest in a country’s economy, you should look at its infrastructure. Are there are any projects upcoming?
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Facts About Thailand’s Economy
Thailand is, without doubt, one of the best success stories when it comes to Asian economies. The Kingdom continues to be a major member of the ASEAN, and is currently ramping up its involvement in promoting free trade agreements.
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If you’re following news and updates regarding opportunities for business abroad, then you’ve certainly come across terms like FTAs.
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Thailand economy
The basics of investing have always dictated that you conduct due diligence beforehand to determine whether an opportunity or a group of opportunities that you’re looking at are indeed ideal for your investment.
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At the recent ASEAN meet, the leaders of the member states of Southeast Asia as well their partner countries, including China, have signed into existence the ASEAN Economic Community. From here on, it’s an exciting time for Southeast Asia, including its most prominent contributor and member-state, Thailand. What does the new Community mean for Thailand?
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business in Thailand offer
Foreigners are absolutely welcome in Thailand. There are laws that are designed to make the country friendly to foreigners, especially those wanting to invest in the economy. There’s the Condominium Act that allows foreign nationals to purchase condo units. There are also free trade agreements that give nationals of certain countries perks when doing business...
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ASEAN - Thailand
Thailand is considered to be one of the most promising industries that can contribute to the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which is set to become reality by December 31 of this year. First, however, let us take a good look at what the ASEAN Economic...
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investing mistakes
Making an investment, as a businessman, into the Thai economy is a decision you can reap advantages from in the long run. As they say, you will not go wrong deciding to make an investment or starting a business in Thailand. However, you can go wrong with a few things if you don’t take care...
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