
Hawryluk Legal
When is a Thai Will Considered Final and Executory and When is it Considered Null and Void? The idea of making a will is something most people are reluctant to even think about. As death is an extremely sensitive issue, any topic that is directly or indirectly associated with it is shunned. However, for many...
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Every country has its own sets of laws on intestacy or intestate succession and inheritance. Certain laws govern Thai will or decide for legal heirs in the event that the source of the inheritance passed away without a will. In Thailand, the provisions of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code will govern in the event...
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Thailand was one of the countries included on the money laundering list of the Financial Action Task Force or FATF in February 2012 as the country failed to prove that it had adequate steps in place against money laundering and terrorist financing. The FATF is an intergovernmental body tasked to monitor money laundering and terrorism...
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For a marriage to be legal in Thailand, both parties should register their marriage in person with the local Thai Amphur or the Civil Registry Office. A lot of westerners come to visit Thailand and eventually marry Thai nationals. Both the westerner and the Thai national should present themselves at the Civil Registry Office to...
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Depending on where you are, divorce can be an ordinary topic or it can be an uncomfortable subject for discussion. In Thailand, divorce is legally accepted even if it is an uncomfortable reality. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the petition for divorce, the dissolution of marriage proceedings in Thailand can be quicker compared to other...
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Anybody who has to go through the process of divorce, regardless of where it happens, will bring the same pain, anger, denial, and acceptance to the affected parties – the husband, wife, and their children, if they have any. It usually takes time for those concerned and affected to regain psychological equilibrium as the circumstances...
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Thailand is a country in Asia where the prospects of Thai property value seem heading upwards and is expected to continue as the country is set to spend approximately GBP 44.8 billion on infrastructure over the next five years. Even with the increase in property prices, Thailand still has a competitive property market as the...
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Thailand began to recognize foreign investment as an important element in developing the country’s economy in the 1950s by enacting its first investment promotion legislation in 1954 through the Industrial Promotion Act No 19. However, the lack of an administrative agency limited this Act’s effectiveness. To address the issue, the Industrial Promotion Act B.E. 2503...
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Foreigners living in Thailand are having a buzz these days over news about foreign land ownership which basically change previous land laws pertaining to foreigners not allowed to own any property in Thailand except that which is covered by the Condominium Act of Thailand. The news article came out on February 11 and has since...
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Thailand’s BOI or Board of Investment is a government agency tasked to provide investment incentives to foreign or local investors putting investments in promoted or priorities businesses in Thailand. The BOI of Thailand aims to decentralize Thailand’s Industrial base and to promote and attract special types of investments allowed in the Kingdom.
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