
Jim Martija
deep in debt
One of the reasons that a person is reluctant to invest is because he or she is still deep in debt. Debts are very debilitating — although, of course, some of them are a result of an urgent necessity.
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stock market
Stock trading is perhaps comparable to intelligence gathering. People think there is something smooth about being an intelligence agent like James Bond, but there is actually little truth to what Hollywood is painting about the profession.
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How Inflation and Deflation Affects Your Portfolio
There are many factors that can affect the performance of your investment portfolio. These factors include, but of course are not limited to, inflation and deflation.
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Considering Retirement
Retirement, while scary for some, is more enticing for other individuals. After all, they’ve spent long hours working in a corporate environment and they may be itching to stop and strike out on their own.
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Planning Your Retirement
Here’s a question every person who’s looking out for a smooth retirement should be asking themselves: “Are my steps in planning for retirement the right ones? or am I doing it wrong?”
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Stocks IPO
There is, more often than not, considerable hype surrounding a new company’s initial public offering. However, as an investor, it is wise not to fall for this hype and put in your investment into an IPO without first doing your research.
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Understand About Blockchain
Cryptocurrencies, whether you like the concept or not, are here to stay. Many industries are now adopting cryptocurrencies as modes of payment in both online and offline transactions. It’s high time now, as an investor, to understand what are the basics behind these electronic currencies.
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permanent residency in Thailand
Every year, 100 successful foreigners are able to receive what is basically the most coveted document of expatriates who live long-term in the Kingdom. This document is what we call the permanent residency.
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Preparing to Retire in Thailand
It’s always a good idea to plan ahead for everything, especially retirement. Retirement is a very big change in one’s life that should not be taken for granted.
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Ailing Stock
If one is to describe the stock market in a brief and concise manner, the word that would be fitting is “volatile.” Things change so fast in the stock market. This is because of many factors in the corporate world. You, as an investor, would have to always be in the lookout for possible price...
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