The real estate agent’s mantra has always been “Location, location.” Thus, it is important that before you decide to fly over to Thailand and see what properties you can invest your retirement money into, check out which are...
Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia to live in. There are many islands and resorts there that can blow your mind and take your breath away. Moreover, the Bangkok area is experiencing many improvements...
Thailand’s land laws are undeniably restrictive to foreign ownership except for condominium properties. The Condominium Act of Thailand allows foreigners to purchase a condominium property within the prescribed limitations. But even as purchasing a condo is the easiest...
The Thailand Revenue Code (Tax Law) spells out the terms of taxation imposed to businesses, individuals and properties in accordance with the provisions of Thailand Laws. Chapter 4 of said Revenue Code or Tax Law specifies the stipulations...
Are you a foreigner who wants to buy a property in Thailand? While Thailand is known to be openly encouraging and inviting foreign nationals to consider retirement in their country, their restrictive land laws seem to be discouraging...