There Are More Visa Types Outside The Tourist

visa types

When it comes to visa types, the most popular one among foreigners seeking to go to Thailand is the Tourist visa. Unfortunately, it is also the one that’s frequently abused by aliens who don’t want to go through the process of securing the proper visa for themselves.

Why the Tourist Visa is Overused

The provisions of the tourist visa are very relaxed, as the Kingdom is generally very welcoming to foreigners who want to experience the attractions Thailand has to offer. Armed with a tourist visa, you can have a holiday in Thailand for as long as 90 days! With only your passport and travel documents with you, you can enter Thailand and enjoy the country’s tourist attractions for up to 60 days. If you need to, you can even secure an extension of 30 days.

In the past, however, countless tourists have taken advantage of the virtually “no visa” entry to actually over-stay in Thailand. The reasons are varied: some actually want to work in Thailand but decides to go through the tourist route. Others go to Thailand to work but actually enter the country as tourists.

All of these abuses have led to the stricter rules and harsher punishment for overstaying aliens in Thailand. It’s best to know what other visas you can apply for to enter Thailand for your exact purpose, so you can make the right steps to secure permission to enter the Kingdom.

Deportation and blacklisting awaits those who don’t follow the rules now, so it’s in your best interest to do so.

Other Types of Visas For Foreigners

Here are the other visa types that you can apply for depending on what your purposes are for visiting Thailand:

• Business visa

If you’re seeking to enter Thailand in order to work on business matters, apply for a Business visa. All you need is an endorsement from the Thai company that’s inviting you to come over, and you can stay for at least 90 days or up to a year!

• Education visa

Studying in Thailand will require you to secure an education visa, which will allow you to stay in Thailand for at least 90 days and at most a year. This should be enough time for you to complete the educational program you traveled to Thailand for.

• Retirement or spousal visa

You might fall in love with a local Thai, and the two of you decide to tie the knot. The Retirement or Marriage Visa is the one for you to apply to. Just like the other two visas, this grants you permission to stay in Thailand for at least 90 days and up to a single year. If you’re a retiree, you must be at least 50 years old to apply.

It’s understandable why some foreigners abuse the tourist visa to stay in Thailand for purposes outside of tourism, but there’s no excuse for violating any country’s laws. To ensure a problem-free trip to Thailand, ensure that you have your documents in order. For starters, your visa should be the one appropriate to your purposes in visiting the Kingdom.

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Photo credit : Duane Storey

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