One of the benefits that the Internet has brought forth to the entrepreneurial world is the ability to telecommute to work. Both employer and employee can now work outsourcing at remote locations and still get things done like they would if they shared an office together.Read More
It’s important to know what kind of visas or documentation the government of Thailand requires its visitors to apply for or acquire before the non-immigrant travel to the Kingdom. These are mostly lumped into two groups.Read More
Make no mistake about it. Bankruptcy is nasty. You’d have to go through a liquidation proceeding mediated by a third party between yourself and your creditors. The goal is to convert all available assets to cash and distribute the proceeds to your remaining creditors.Read More
“Default” is the term used in business as a reference to an entity’s failure to settle financial obligations. These obligations, of course, includes debts or loan that have been made in the company’s name.Read More
As they say, love knows no bounds. It transcends race, nationality and even age. It is the beauty of love that some foreign national and local Thai spouse meet one another and decide to tie the knot.Read More
Business credit score is very important, much more for business than for personal accounts. Businesses generally need credit more than individual lenders, because of the relatively high amounts that enterprises have to deal with every day.Read More
There are many things that you could add to your good investment portfolio. You could invest in foreign exchange, where you can earn money within the day from currency movements. You could bet on companies and buy stock. You also have the option to invest in commodities. Read More
When you’re going to invest industries in a foreign country such as Thailand, you will want to make sure that you’re not coming into conflict with the law. Wherever you may be, having a brush with the law is a totally undesirable experience and can materially affect your finances, as well as your reputation.Read More
We’ve spoken many times about the benefits of starting a business in the Kingdom of Thailand. To do that, of course, you will need not only capital, but also an idea. After all, business ideas are the root to all endeavors. It’s the spark that lights the fire, so to speak. Read More