
Hawryluk Legal
Bangkok Thailand
The real estate agent’s mantra has always been “Location, location.” Thus, it is important that before you decide to fly over to Thailand and see what properties you can invest your retirement money into, check out which are the best places for expatriates to live in the country of Thailand. For this article, we are...
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Foreign Ownership of Real Estate in Thailand
Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia to live in. There are many islands and resorts there that can blow your mind and take your breath away. Moreover, the Bangkok area is experiencing many improvements and developments, particularly the development of the MRT and BTS systems around the area. This means that...
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Thailand’s land laws are undeniably restrictive to foreign ownership except for condominium properties. The Condominium Act of Thailand allows foreigners to purchase a condominium property within the prescribed limitations. But even as purchasing a condo is the easiest way for a foreigner to own a property in Thailand, if they are not careful, they might...
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The Thailand Revenue Code (Tax Law) spells out the terms of taxation imposed to businesses, individuals and properties in accordance with the provisions of Thailand Laws. Chapter 4 of said Revenue Code or Tax Law specifies the stipulations on Value Added Tax. Value Added Tax or VAT is an assessment tax which applies to all...
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Are you a foreigner who wants to buy a property in Thailand? While Thailand is known to be openly encouraging and inviting foreign nationals to consider retirement in their country, their restrictive land laws seem to be discouraging legitimate and qualified retirees from other countries from taking the offer.
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In general, the property laws and regulations of Thailand are patterned after the western countries in much the same way that the Thailand Civil Code is based on the mainland European civil law system. Thai property laws are in effect considered western. Ownership of land in Thailand is governed by the Land Code BE 2497...
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Some marriages see the benefit of having prenuptial agreements. This is usually the case when one or both parties have properties they want to protect from being considered as part of the conjugal property when a couple gets married. If a spouse has businesses that involved other people, the spouse may elect to keep those...
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The global economic climate and investment environment have undergone a drastic change since the 1997 financial crisis. This prompted the Board of Investment to adjust the country’s investment promotion policies and criteria for granting tax privileges in order to respond to the current and future economic and investment situation.
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Thailand is one of the countries in Asia that legally allows divorce, that is, dissolving the marriage by the judgment of a court on one of the 12 grounds for divorce as stipulated in Section 1516 of the Civil and Commercial Code or by the Amphur or local municipality office in Thailand. The divorce proceeding...
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Domestic violence is a universal social problem. It happens in almost every country, even in the most progressive ones. Thailand is no exception to this sad reality and global pandemic. Numerous cases of domestic violence may have caused the passing of the first ever Domestic Violence Law in 2007 aimed at protecting victims who suffer...
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