If one is to describe the stock market in a brief and concise manner, the word that would be fitting is “volatile.” Things change so fast in the stock market. This is because of many factors in the...
As an individual, your knowledge of the interest rate will probably limited to the rate that affects your debts and loans. The higher the interest rate, the higher the amortization you’ll have to pay every month.
Nobody’s perfect, that’s a fact. We all make mistakes every now and then. In stocks, however, some mistakes can have a lot of repercussions for the uninitiated.
There are times when, no matter how it started, a foreign expat’s marriage to a local falls apart. There are a variety of reasons for this happening, but we won’t dive into that.
If you want to attain financial independence, then you will want to seek the help of a financial planner. This expert will help you polish out your goals simply by identifying your resources, comparing them with your goals...