Making an investment, as a businessman, into the Thai economy is a decision you can reap advantages from in the long run. As they say, you will not go wrong deciding to make an investment or starting a business in Thailand. However, you can go wrong with a few things if you don’t take care...Read More
Thailand is without doubt one of the most beautiful places in the world to retire. There is plenty for an expat to enjoy here when they finally retire – scenic beaches, rich and beautiful natural attractions like forests and rivers, and relatively inexpensive standard of living. Some parts of Thailand also provide retirees the peace...Read More
We have discussed in a previous article the concept of a tariff and what role it plays in terms of governance and state policy. We also found out that, when there is a Free Trade Agreement in force between two countries, like Australia and Thailand, tariffs are either lowered to a manageable percentage or eliminated...Read More
If you want to engage in international trade, one of the terms that you should take time to understand is the “tariff.” Companies who engage in supply and distribution are the ones that usually encounter the tariff, or what is alternatively called as ‘customs tax duty, but every entrepreneur would find it to his best...Read More
The current infrastructural developments in Thailand make it an exciting time for foreign investors to cash in by making some investments in the economy of Southeast Asia’ second-largest market. As part of their investment, it’s quite common for big companies to want to establish their own buildings for their headquarters in Thailand. Let’s back up...Read More
As mentioned in our previous article, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, is currently working on coming up ways to establish an “internal market” between its members. If this internal market comes to being, it comes with many advantages to be shared between the member nations of the association.Read More
Thailand is a major member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or the ASEAN. What is the ASEAN? If you want to do business in Thailand and in the other Southeast Asian nations, then you need to have an understanding of the goals and missions that the ASEAN has laid out for its member...Read More
Thailand is an investor-friendly country. The passing of the Foreign Business Act now makes it possible for international companies to set up their operations in Thai jurisdiction, and even receives incentives for investing into the local economy. The Act does have restrictions, i.e. what sectors a foreign-owned company can compete with local companies and the rules...Read More
The Asia-Pacific region is becoming a pivotal area in world affairs, particularly in economics. In previous decades, European nations and the United States dominated the world stage when it came to economic growth immediately after the conclusion of the Second World War. Now, 70 years later, it’s Asia’s turn to shine. In Bloomberg’s recently published...Read More
In this age of international trading, it is common to see nations negotiating and entering into free trade agreements with other countries. These agreements, called FTAs, are intended to facilitate higher quality of inter-country trading between the participants across various sectors and industries in their jurisdictions.Read More